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Socialism or Barbarism – ‘Arise – a Festival of Left Ideas’ Dayschool 2025 – London

March 29 10:30 am - 5:00 pm

ARISE festival of ideas logo
Credit: Arise - Festival of Ideas,

An Arise in-person Day School taking place on Saturday, March 29 in Central London.

John McDonnell MP // Richard Burgon MP // Ian Byrne MP // Pat Cullen MP, Sinn Fein // Cat Hobbs, We Own It // Sabby Dhalu, Stand up to Racism // Gawain Little, GFTU // Jess Barnard, Labour NEC (pc) // Michael Roberts, economist // Kate Hudson, CND Vice-President // Sarah Woolley, BFAWU // Matt Willgress, ‘Arise – a Festival of Left Ideas’ // Louise Regan, Palestine Solidarity Campaign & more tba.

A dayschool of socialist political education, activism & debate. Come together around the key issues facing the left, and fight for socialist solutions to global crises.

Places limited – get your tickets today! We hope to offer streaming/hybrid tickets nearer the time.

Hosted by Arise – A Festival of Left Ideas.

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