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- ‘Progressive vote’ to be more split than the right in 69% of England’s council wards
Credit: PFTM, Campaigners warn of vote-splitting as new analysis finds that the average number of ‘progressive candidates’ per seat outnumber right-wing candidates by almost two to one in Thursday’’s elections. The progressive vote will be systematically ‘split’ in this week’s council elections – with on average 1.9 candidates from Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens running … - ‘Progressive vote’ to be more split than the right in 82% of England’s council wards
Credit: PFTM, Campaigners warn of vote-splitting as new analysis finds that the average number of ‘progressive candidates’ outnumber right-wing candidates 2-1 in next week’s elections. - Unite Conference: Union vote to oppose First Past the Post hailed ‘important shift’ in campaign for fair votes
Credit: PFTM, Unite members voted to oppose Westminster’s First Past the Post electoral system at their policy conference – pledging support for moves towards a new voting system in UK elections. - Starmer under pressure as Proportional Representation tops Labour members’ conference demands
Credit: PFTM, PR set for debate in Brighton as “unprecedented” numbers of CLPs call for Labour to back UK voting system change: at least 143 Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) have called for PR as their sole priority motion to annual conference. - England’s ‘progressive vote’ more split than the right in 85% of council wards
Credit: PFTM, gressive vote will be systematically ‘split’ in next week’s council elections – with on average two candidates from Labour, Greens and Lib Dems running against just one right-wing candidate in England, new research has revealed.