July 25, 2024

Andy Burnham discusses democracy with Zoe Williams

Polling Station
Credit: PFTM,

Over 200 people joined us online to hear Guardian columnist Zoe Williams in conversation Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester to talk about where next for our democracy. Here are my five takeaways: Andy referred to analysis by Sir John Curtice that said trust in politicians is at its lowest and as a result people are now looking at proportional …

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February 27, 2024

Is our democracy heading in the wrong direction?

Polling station
Credit: PFTM,

We’ll have a general election within the next year and elections for Councillors, mayors, Police and Crime Commissioners and the London Assembly, in May. With all this activity going on, it feels like democracy is in action, but over the last few years, there has been a raft of legislation that has changed the way our representatives are elected and …

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February 16, 2024

Three big opportunities that proportional representation offers for trade unions

Banner strike march in Norwich
Credit: Roger Blackwell , Flickr

A question we get asked a lot at Politics for the Many HQ is why proportional representation (PR) is good for trade unions. Heart Unions Week offers an opportunity to reflect on how our voting system has negatively impacted trade unionists and to embrace the opportunities that a fairer voting system might hold. The trade union movement has always led …

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September 20, 2023

Proportional representation draws a crowd at TUC 2023 in Liverpool

John McDonnell at TUC 4
Credit: PFTM,

The former Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell MP, addressed a packed room at our event to promote proportional representation at the TUC Congress in Liverpool. A growing number of unions are now backing a proportional voting system (PR) because they can see the current system isn’t working for working people. Most recently public service workers union Unison and shop workers union …

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January 30, 2023

As ministers continue their attack on working people our broken system means MPs can continue to play by their own rules

Picture of union members marching
Credit: A Festival of Left Ideas,

The government’s Strike (Minimum Service Levels) Bill is “a full-frontal attack on working people and the trade unions they organise within.” say Unison in an article ‘Three things you need to know about the anti-strike bill.’ Since 1980, there have been no less than fourteen employment and trade union acts, restricting and then to a degree, clawing back trade union …

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August 10, 2022

First Past the Post favours the Tories and works against Labour – That’s why it’s the Tories’ favourite voting system

Polling Station Sign, ERS
Credit: PFTM,

Whether it’s lies over Partygate or handing out covid contracts to supporters and allies or Boris Johnson’s plans to stuff the Lords with new peers in his final weeks in office, this government are never embarrassed by their own failure to understand the foundations of a good democracy.  Trust, transparency, fairness and accountability – this is what people look for …

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