Campaigners warn of vote-splitting as new analysis finds that the average number of ‘progressive candidates’ per seat outnumber right-wing candidates by almost two to one in Thursday’’s elections. The progressive vote will be systematically ‘split’ in this week’s council elections – with on average 1.9 candidates from Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens running against just one right-wing candidate …
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This week, the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW) joined the growing list of trade unions that back proportional representation. USDAW voted in favour of a motion committing it to support a change in the electoral system at its 76th Annual Delegate Meeting (ADM) on the 25th April. The motion was moved by Phil Crooks from the Home …
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This branch notes that the Westminster system is failing to represent the UK in the 21st Century. In the Commons, the prevalence of ‘safe seats’ under Westminster’s voting system, means that once a seat is in an MP’s hands, it may be theirs for decades. It’s no wonder so many people feel disengaged from politics – in hundreds of seats, …
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We did it! This week Labour conference voted to back a motion calling on the Party to scrap Westminster’s failing First Past the Post system and to introduce a fair, proportional voting system instead. Support was overwhelming not just amongst Labour members but, thanks to the work of hundreds of activists across the country, with the support of the Trade …
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Delegates at UNISON’s National Delegate Conference have just backed a motion calling on the UK’s biggest union to ‘reject First Past the Post’ and for the adoption of PR for UK general elections. The vote, which saw an overwhelming majority of delegates back the motion, marks a significant moment for the Labour movement, as Unite the Union, the UK’s second …
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Campaigners warn of vote-splitting as new analysis finds that the average number of ‘progressive candidates’ outnumber right-wing candidates 2-1 in next week’s elections.
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Also available in: English Rhagarweiniad Fis diwethaf arwyddodd Llafur gytundeb cydweithredu pwysig gyda Phlaid Cymru. Mae’r cytundeb yn cyflwyno rhaglen radical i’w chyflawni gan Lafur Cymru mewn cydweithrediad ag aelodau Plaid Cymru yn y Senedd. Mae’r cytundeb yn ymwneud â meysydd allweddol fel ynni a hinsawdd; hefyd tai, ynghyd ag ymrwymiad i Ddiwygio Etholiadau’r Senedd. Mae’r cynigion hyn yn cynnwys …
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Hefyd ar gael yn: Cymraeg Introduction Last month Labour signed a landmark co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru. The agreement sets forward a radical programme to be delivered by Welsh Labour in cooperation with Plaid members in the Senedd. The agreement covers key areas such as energy and climate, and housing as well as a commitment to Senedd Electoral Reform. These proposals …
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Unite members have voted to oppose Westminster’s First Past the Post electoral system pledging support for moves towards a new voting system in UK elections. “Today, Unite Policy Conference voted to support Proportional Representation in Westminster elections for the first time in our history. Our political class has failed working people and our system is broken. It is time to change our democracy.” Unite’s general secretary …
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Unite members voted to oppose Westminster’s First Past the Post electoral system at their policy conference – pledging support for moves towards a new voting system in UK elections.
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