October 6, 2022

Labour Conference backs scrapping first past the post

Labour Conference 2022 stage
Credit: PFTM,

We did it! This week Labour conference voted to back a motion calling on the Party to scrap Westminster’s failing First Past the Post system and to introduce a fair, proportional voting system instead. Support was overwhelming not just amongst Labour members but, thanks to the work of hundreds of activists across the country, with the support of the Trade …

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August 10, 2022

First Past the Post favours the Tories and works against Labour – That’s why it’s the Tories’ favourite voting system

Polling Station Sign, ERS
Credit: PFTM,

Whether it’s lies over Partygate or handing out covid contracts to supporters and allies or Boris Johnson’s plans to stuff the Lords with new peers in his final weeks in office, this government are never embarrassed by their own failure to understand the foundations of a good democracy.  Trust, transparency, fairness and accountability – this is what people look for …

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June 17, 2022

UNISON just passed a motion in support of proportional representation

UNISON conference
Credit: Caroline Osborne., L4ND

Delegates at UNISON’s National Delegate Conference have just backed a motion calling on the UK’s biggest union to ‘reject First Past the Post’ and for the adoption of PR for UK general elections. The vote, which saw an overwhelming majority of delegates back the motion, marks a significant moment for the Labour movement, as Unite the Union, the UK’s second …

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October 22, 2021

Unite vote to oppose First Past the Post hailed ‘important shift’ in campaign for fair votes

Today, Unite Policy Conference voted to support Proportional Representation in Westminster elections for the first time in our history. Our political class has failed working people and our system is broken. It is time to change our democracy.
Credit: PFTM,

Unite members have voted to oppose Westminster’s First Past the Post electoral system pledging support for moves towards a new voting system in UK elections. “Today, Unite Policy Conference voted to support Proportional Representation in Westminster elections for the first time in our history. Our political class has failed working people and our system is broken. It is time to change our democracy.” Unite’s general secretary …

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September 30, 2021

80% of CLPs back PR at Labour Conference but motion falls

Labour Party Conference
Credit: PFTM,

On Monday, Labour conference debated and voted on a motion to back PR, adding a pledge to their next manifesto. Despite the overwhelming support of local party delegates, 80% of whom supported the campaign for Labour to back reform, due to opposition from several of the party’s affiliated trade unions the motion was narrowly defeated. The motion, backed by the Labour …

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May 28, 2021

Julian Vaughan: The push for PR gathers momentum

ASLEF union-picture
Credit: Julian Vaughan,

I am proud to have written the motion on a fairer voting system that was recently adopted by ASLEF at their Annual Assembly of Delegates. However, in a democratic union like ASLEF, success is only achieved with the support of branch delegates from across the railway network. I am particularly grateful to my colleague who put the motion to the …

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April 9, 2021

New polling reveals just how powerless people feel over Westminster

Big Ben
Credit: %author%, %publisher%

Two-thirds of the public feel powerless over decision making and feel that they have little or no opportunities to influence decisions made at Westminster’, according to new Savanta ComRes polling. In a week that has seen lobbying allegations dominate the news, the poll for the Politics for the Many campaign and the Electoral Reform Society finds that just 5% of …

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