July 25, 2024

Andy Burnham discusses democracy with Zoe Williams

Polling Station
Credit: PFTM,

Over 200 people joined us online to hear Guardian columnist Zoe Williams in conversation Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester to talk about where next for our democracy. Here are my five takeaways: Andy referred to analysis by Sir John Curtice that said trust in politicians is at its lowest and as a result people are now looking at proportional …

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November 29, 2023

Three more  reasons for the Tories’ election success

Polling Station
Credit: PFTM,

Most of those registered to vote do not want a Conservative Government, yet they keep getting elected! How does this happen? Democracy campaigner and author of The Tory Winning Machine, Adam Herriott, explores more reasons why this may be the case. Part two of a two-part blog Part one The Tory Party may be tearing itself apart at the moment, but …

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November 22, 2023

Why do the Tories keep being elected?

polling station
Credit: PFTM,

Most of those registered to vote do not want a Conservative Government, yet they keep getting elected! How does this happen? Democracy campaigner and author of The Tory Winning Machine, Adam Herriott, explores the reasons. Part one of a two-part blog The Conservative Party has always been the party of the rich and powerful. They operate to form governments that defend …

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August 15, 2023

Tactical Voting or Tactical Coping? It’s time for change

Polling Station
Credit: PFTM,

In the 1997 general election Tony Blair decided Labour wouldn’t stand a candidate against the Independent anti-corruption candidate Martin Bell in the Tatton constituency in Cheshire. Neither did the Lib Dems in what was the 4th safest Tory seat in the UK at the time. The tactic to rid the constituency of the incumbent Tory Neil Hamilton, who was entangled …

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May 9, 2023

How would proportional representation protect trade union rights?

NEU UCU PCS RMT ASLEF protest in Norwich
Credit: Roger Blackwell, Flickr

The trade union movement has always led demands for greater democracy, empowering working people and communities, and offering a different vision of society. Today, that demand for greater democracy is vital and urgent.  The powerful levers of the state are being used to undo rights and freedoms, give jobs and contracts to cronies, and attack minorities. We need to rewire the …

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April 26, 2023

USDAW vote to back proportional representation

Phil Crooks USDAW motion LCER
Credit: Phil Crooks , L4ND

This week, the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW) joined the growing list of trade unions that back proportional representation. USDAW voted in favour of a motion committing it to support a change in the electoral system at its 76th Annual Delegate Meeting (ADM) on the 25th April. The motion was moved by Phil Crooks from the Home …

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August 10, 2022

First Past the Post favours the Tories and works against Labour – That’s why it’s the Tories’ favourite voting system

Polling Station Sign, ERS
Credit: PFTM,

Whether it’s lies over Partygate or handing out covid contracts to supporters and allies or Boris Johnson’s plans to stuff the Lords with new peers in his final weeks in office, this government are never embarrassed by their own failure to understand the foundations of a good democracy.  Trust, transparency, fairness and accountability – this is what people look for …

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