November 8, 2022

Non-Affiliated Union

Model Motion
Credit: PFTM,

This branch notes that the Westminster system is failing to represent the UK in the 21st Century. In the Commons, the prevalence of ‘safe seats’ under Westminster’s voting system, means that once a seat is in an MP’s hands, it may be theirs for decades. It’s no wonder so many people feel disengaged from politics – in hundreds of seats, …

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March 18, 2021

Labour Party Motion

Model Motion
Credit: PFTM,

The First Past the Post (FPTP) voting system is a barrier to progressive change, repeatedly returning extreme Tory governments against the wishes of most voters. In 19 of the last 20 general elections parties to the left of the Conservatives won the popular vote yet the Tories have governed for two-thirds of that time.

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March 16, 2021

Affiliated Union Motion

Model Motion
Credit: PFTM,

There is evidence from academic research that First Past the Post has a right wing bias wherever it is used, leading to parliaments and governments that are on average significantly more right wing than the voters.

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